The Carrefour des Cultures Africaines (CCA) is a “1901 Law” type association, founded in November 2017, following the closure of the African Museum. Situé au sein de la Maison Internationale Missionnaire à Lyon, le CCA s’inscrit dans la culture du dialogue et de la rencontre, portée par la Society of African Missions (SMA).

Values and goals
The arts of the African peoples convey these values, universal values, witnesses of their encounters with the cultures of the world.
Also the promotion of this cultural heritage without borders at the heart of our cultural projects in France and abroad.
As much as yesterday, the values of living together make sense today! Living together is doing together, changing together, it is a source of joy and creativity.
« Building bridges between cultures and peoples to facilitate good living together is our commitment to everyone, particularly to young people. »
- A unique history, that of the African Missions, more than 160 years of life with the African peoples.
- A rich heritage fund made up of:
– Rare museum collections dedicated to the Arts and Cultures of West Africa (9000 objects)
– A rich library of specialized collections around major themes (anthropology, literature, philosophy, arts, religions, etc.) and an audiovisual archive fund - A large network of teacher-researchers and experts in France and abroad
- An exceptional site in the center of Lyon with the SARRAOUNIA cultural center and rooms available for hire.
Centers of activity
Our cultural programming is based on 3 poles:
The members of the office
- Michel CartatéguyPresident
- Régine RouchSecretary
- François PillardTreasurer
The team
- Jean-paul KpatchaDirector
- Laurick ZerbiniProgramming
- Régine RouchPartnerships
- Aloïs KitubaDocumentation
- Caroline FaysseCommunication
Membership & Volunteering
Currently, the CCA is funded by its members; its activities are carried out by a small group of volunteers. We would like to develop our projects and go further.
If you share our values and would like to get involved with us, you can:
- Join and relay our projects in your networks
- Become a volunteer to strengthen our teams within the three areas of activity
- Donate to the online account on helloasso:carrefour-des-cultures-africaines-cca
Our partners
The various cultural projects of the CCA are carried out with public and private partners, associative actors in a strong dynamic of cooperation.
We support interns and volunteers from the Service Civique as part of our various activities.